Hope: Post election

by djbrash1

Irony: A one- percenter received so many votes from people who are feeling deep frustration with a situation created by the one-percenters. Historically it has been a strategy of the patricians to keep the plebeians fighting among themselves, in order to distract them from the real roots of their angst; so the cycle continues. But only if we let it. Will we be pessimistic like the ancient Greeks, or proactive for PEACE WITH JUSTICE like people of hope?

Caveat: Like others I am groping for hope. As I pointed out in class on Wednesday, we white males cannot experience this moment of history as minorities do who have been victimized by us. I think we who see Trump and Pence as threats to what we value (shaped as our values are by Jesus of Nazareth), must rally with likeminded others. We must rally to our causes and pursue those causes with a non-violent, but confident fervor. Perhaps we should pray for another MLK, Jr. to arise to lead those efforts from a minority persepective. To quote HRC, “we are stronger together.” Let’s remember that Donald Trump did not win the popular vote. Additionally, only about a quarter of the country’s potential electorate voted for him. Give him a chance to lead? Yes. But abandon our values? Never.